How to create a youtube Channel
How to create a youtube Channel

Grow A successful YouTube channel

10 Lessons

UGX 5,000

Yiga bebakozesa youtube Analytics okuza channel yo
Yiga bebakozesa youtube Analytics okuza channel yo

Grow A successful YouTube channel

12 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Yiga bwebakebera essimu y'omwagalwa wo ayenda nga togikutteeko omanye buli kimu ekirimu.
Yiga bwebakebera essimu y'omwagalwa wo ayenda nga togikutteeko omanye buli kimu ekirimu.

Machine Learning

8 Lessons

UGX 30,000

How to create a tutors Account, create and publish course on Yigakati.
How to create a tutors Account, create and publish course on Yigakati.

Machine Learning

12 Lessons

UGX 1,000


Video Editing

4 Lessons

UGX 25,000

Uploading videos on youtube with the write settings
Uploading videos on youtube with the write settings

Grow A successful YouTube channel

9 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Live Streaming on youtube
Live Streaming on youtube

Grow A successful YouTube channel

2 Lessons

UGX 5,000


Music Video Editing

4 Lessons

UGX 10,000

How to start ice cream business and start making money.
How to start ice cream business and start making money.

Business Fundamentals

7 Lessons

UGX 10,000

How to use the Youtube creator studio /Inside your dashboard
How to use the Youtube creator studio /Inside your dashboard

Grow A successful YouTube channel

12 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Yiga boletela omuntu yena okusonyiwa (wetonda otya eli gosobeza.)
Yiga boletela omuntu yena okusonyiwa (wetonda otya eli gosobeza.)

Communication Skills

10 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Okuuma otya omuntu  akwagwala ebyadala
Okuuma otya omuntu akwagwala ebyadala

Relationship Building

20 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Tegela omuntu ata kwagala
Tegela omuntu ata kwagala


10 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Setting up Adsence and make money on youtube using your videos
Setting up Adsence and make money on youtube using your videos

Grow A successful YouTube channel

3 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Okugezaa no ku wanvuya omusajja wo
Okugezaa no ku wanvuya omusajja wo


7 Lessons

UGX 30,000

Obukodyo obuna obuwangaaza omusajja mu kisenge
Obukodyo obuna obuwangaaza omusajja mu kisenge


5 Lessons

UGX 30,000

Obukodiyo obuletera omusajja okudamu okukwagala nokulowozako.
Obukodiyo obuletera omusajja okudamu okukwagala nokulowozako.

Relationship Building

15 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Staili nne za tendo la ndoa
Staili nne za tendo la ndoa


6 Lessons

UGX 10,000

Mastering YouTube: Building a Successful Channel
Mastering YouTube: Building a Successful Channel

Grow A successful YouTube channel

11 Lessons

UGX 10,000

How to make money and grow a successful youtube channel  From Beginner to pro(All in one)
How to make money and grow a successful youtube channel From Beginner to pro(All in one)

Grow A successful YouTube channel

47 Lessons

UGX 30,000

How to edit a music video beginners
How to edit a music video beginners

Music Video Editing

6 Lessons

UGX 5,000